It is critical to pay attention to every aspect of your life, including your health. However, if you’re neglecting your eyes, you’re neglecting yourself. Continue reading so that you can find out all about how to properly care for your eyes.
In the summer, sunglasses are crucial. It is important to do so in winter, too. Snow can reflect lots of light. Even on cloudy days, the sun can cause issues for your eyes.
Drink plenty of water to keep your eyes hydrated. Your eyes are made mostly of water, and they need to stay moist at all times to remain healthy. Dry eyes are more prone to eye problems and diseases. Keeping your body fully hydrated will ensure that your eyes stay moisturized.
Wear protective eye gear. Sunglasses are great when it comes to protecting your eyes from the sun, but when you’re on the job and need to protect your eyes from sawdust, debris, or sand make sure you wear tougher eye gear than just a pare of goggles. Goggles are a must-have for anyone working in these kinds of environments.
If you suffer with red puffy eyes a lot, consider reducing your sodium intake. Unfortunately, the salt we enjoy on our food isn’t all that good for our bodies, including the eyes. Try switching to sea salt instead, or using other herb and spice mixtures that contain no sodium at all. Your eyes should improve quickly.
Don’t stare at the computer screen too long. You can end up with issues like eyestrain, blurriness, headaches, dry eyes, and decreased distance focus. Try taking breaks every 20 minutes or so by looking 20 feet away from the screen for about 20 seconds. This can help you rest and re-focus your eyes to reduce or prevent those eye issues.
Wearing sunglasses is a great way to protect your eyesight. Even on cloudy days you should protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. When choosing sunglasses, go with a pair that protects against UV rays. While they will probably cost more, the proper care of your eyes is at stake.
If you spend a lot of time on the computer, take regular breaks. For a minute or two each hour, focus on a distant object. This will allow your eyes to readjust. You will experience less eye strain and reduce the number of headaches that you experience throughout the week.
If you suffer from dry eyes, this can be painful. You may want to try a high quality saline drop. In addition, little things, such as blinking, can increase tear production. Try to avoid using products that are filled with chemicals. Over time, these may actually worsen your dry eyes.
Get more Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids have plenty of health benefits and yet another has been discovered that helps the eyes. As most people grow older, their eyes stop producing enough oil and mucus to lubricate the eyes. However, diets with plenty of Omega-3 have been shown to increase the production of the required oils within the eye.
To help your eyes when using a computer, use a blinking technique. When you have been using the computer for a half hour or so, look away at something distant. While doing this, blink several times. This change in focus will allow your eyes to relieve strain and focus better on your computer screen.
If you soothe your allergy irritated eyes with eye drops, then make sure you use them sparingly. Don’t use them for longer than recommended. If using eyedrops is not helping your eyes much, see your eye doctor for more effective treatments.
It is important to take care of your eyes when you get older. Including omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can be beneficial. In addition, either hot or cold air can make the problem worse. When in the car, point your car’s vents away from your eyes.
Eat foods that promote good eye health. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins E and C, as well as foods that contain lutein, are excellent choices. Some foods that contain those substances are wild salmon, citrus fruits, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables. Have these foods every day so that your eyes continue to be healthy.
You may not realize how important staying physically fit is for the health of your eyes. Being overweight can cause a number of health problems, one of them being glaucoma. Exercising for about a half an hour each day can reduce pressure on your eyes by as much as 20%!
Get a dilated eye exam regularly. When your eyes are dilated, your eye doctor can see inside your eye and detect any problems with the tissues behind your eyes. Common eye problems like glaucoma often produce no signs of warning until a person’s vision is impaired. A dilated eye exam can detect that early.
If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking. Smoking can lead to a higher risk of developing macular degeneration as you age. Other eye problems are also more prone to develop, like cataracts and nerve damage of the eyes. These conditions can lead to blindness as you get older.
The info you just read will help you take care of your eyes. If you’re lagging on these areas, now you’re well informed on what to do. Become motivated to treat your eye care as a priority to do your best for your eyes.