Keeping your eyes in good shape has everything to do with overall health as well. However, many people do not consider caring for their eyes until a problem arises. Luckily for you, the information and tips gathered below are just right for you.
Believe it or not, what you eat can play a role in preventing many eye care problems. There are foods, such as those rich in vitamin C and fatty acids, that can help you fight against eye degeneration diseases. Foods like beans, nuts, salmon, leafy green veggies, and salmon all contain these nutrients.
You should be aware of any family history of eye problems. Many times these eye diseases are hereditary conditions, so knowing the risks ahead of time can allow proper treatment from your doctor. Ask older family members so you will know.
If you wear contact lenses, avoid wearing them while you sleep or for more than 19 hours. Unless you are wearing special lenses that are made for wearing overnight, your contact can deprive your eyes of oxygen and lead to extreme discomfort and possibly serious permanent damage to your sight.
Go to the eye doctor on a regular basis to check for any inconsistencies that may disrupt your vision and impact the quality of your sight. If you have any problems, this doctor can give you contacts or glasses you so that you are not squinting during the day, which can cause painful migraine headaches.
Staring at a computer can cause a lot of strain on your eyes, which can lead to a number of issues, such as migraines, dry eyes, and difficulty seeing. This is why you need to take proper precautions when you know you are going to be on the computer for awhile. Be sure your computer is at a position in which your eyes are on the same level as the monitor and if possible, wear glasses.
Do you play sports? Certain contact sports, like lacrosse and ice hockey, can be dangerous for your eyes. Make sure you wear either sports goggles or a face mask to limit your risk. While it may seem strange to wear them at first, you will quickly get used to them.
Make sure to consume copious amounts of Vitamin A during the course of the day. Vitamin A is great for helping to reduce the inflammation and irritation that you may feel, which can cause dryness. Foods that have high sources of this vitamin include carrots, chicken, potatoes, spinach and sweet potatoes.
Keep in mind that having eye issues may be inevitable for some. Many eye conditions are hereditary. You can take great care of your eyes and still have major issues. If you have family member with eye problems, you may want to talk to them about which issues run in the family. You can bring up these conditions to your optometrist so that they can watch for the early signs.
Try to always wear sunglasses if you are going to be out in the sun. Having your eyes exposed to too much ultraviolet makes you more susceptible to getting macular degeneration and cataracts. Make sure you choose sunglasses that block from 99% to 100% of the UVB and UVA rays.
Your eyes will become more dry as you age. Having a diet that is rich in omege-3 fatty acids will prove to be beneficial. Exposing your eyes to air that is too hot or too cold can cause eye problems. When in the car, point your car’s vents away from your eyes.
Keep water or a cool, damp cloth handy while working on your computer. As you focus on the computer, strain sets in easily. If you dab your eyes with water or a cool cloth, you can relieve the strain and help cool the eyes. This will help when spending long periods at work on the computer.
If you want to maintain your eyes healthy and you are a smoker, quit smoking. Smokers are more prone to getting optic nerve damage, macular degeneration and cataracts. If you have attempted to quit smoking before and have failed, keep trying. If you need extra motivation, think about the damage smoking can do to your eyes.
Be careful with computer use. If you use a computer a lot, you could be damaging your eyes. Make sure that you take a break from looking at the screen every half-hour. You can also be sure to position yourself so that you are looking down to see the monitor. These simple steps will help preserve your eyes.
To better maintain good eye health, make sure you get a good night’s sleep. Your eyes need proper rest like the rest of your body. When you don’t get enough sleep, your tiredness can strain your eyes and negatively affect your vision. By getting enough sleep, you can relax and refresh eyes for the next day.
Use eye drops sparingly. While eye drops are effective in soothing irritated eyes and reducing redness, you shouldn’t use them too often. Used frequently, the soothing effects will begin to lose effectiveness, and you may end up with a rebound effect. This means that your eyes will be even drier than before. If your eyes need additional moisture, choose a saline only drop whenever possible.
Caring for your eyes properly is so very important. Among the most essential things that a person should do is to make sure that his eyes are healthy and functioning well. Using the advice found in this article as a reference will make the task much easier.